Zero Cost Program

Zero Cost Program

Because most businesses, facilities and municipalities don’t have the budget or debt-load tolerance to execute a retrofit efficiency upgrade, EES has a sensible solution that delivers a complete end-to-end energy-efficiency upgrade that reduces energy consumption, lowers energy spend, and provides guaranteed savings- without the typical upfront costs or capital expenditure. Under this Services Agreement, your business continues to pay the same energy supplier as usual, but will begin saving immediately from reduced energy consumption. However, a portion of the savings will go to EES’s Finance partner who will finance the equipment and installation of all your upgraded technologies.

After the repayment period, your business will begin to reap the full savings powered by the program. The Zero Cost Program anticipates a 25% to 32% reduction in your utility invoices. The expected lifetime of the technologies implemented under the Zero Cost Program is 20 years, giving you 15 years or more of net savings

Reasons for Zero Cost

A true turnkey solution that covers all equipment, installation and ongoing maintenance

Provides off-balance-sheet flexibility, so it won’t impact debt ratios or conflict with other core purchases

Energy costs are reduced immediately, delivering actual day-one real measurable savings